I was first elected to Chelmsford City Council (originally Chelmsford Borough Council) in 1991 and since then have been the sole City Councillor representing the residents of Galleywood.
During that time I have assisted many residents in Galleywood with council problems such as Housing, Planning, Environment, Finances, Waste, and Recycling.
I have been a member of all major City Council committees over the years, together with many outside bodies representing Chelmsford City Council.
In 2023 I was appointed Cabinet for Housing, and the following year for Environment Health. In 2005 I achieved my wish and became Cabinet Member for Waste Management and Recycling, for the next 12 years. I thoroughly enjoyed this position and together with the Director achieved the ultimate accolade as Chelmsford City Council became one of the best waste and recycling councils in the country.
During these 33 years, I was also a Galleywood Parish Councillor, and through that council help to improve many aspects of Galleywood life, campaigning and pressing Essex County Council for improved highway situations, i.e. The Eagle Traffic, Speed Limits, pedestrian crossings, potholes, etc.
In 1995/96 I served as Deputy Mayor to Cllr. Alan Wilshire and in 2019/2020 I served as Deputy Mayor to Cllr. Bob Massey
My main achievement was persuading Chelmsford City Council in 2007 to offer Galleywood Parish a lease on the Galleywood Depot on Galleywood Common, thereby creating the Galleywood Heritage Centre, which is thriving today, through many volunteers over the years, and visited/hired by many residents of Chelmsford.